The ministry of Harrisburg Christian Performing Arts Center (HCPAC) recognizes the need for specific COVID-19 health & safety protocols. By following this COVID-19 Health & Safety plan we are dedicated to important communication between staff, volunteers, parents, adults and students.
It is important to note, that as long as there are cases of COVID-19 in our communities, there are no strategies that can completely eliminate transmission risk. Our goal at HCPAC is to keep the transmission risk as low as possible while supporting the emotional and social wellbeing of our students.
Student, Volunteer and Staff Health
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Student health screening will be conducted daily by each parent at home prior to the student arriving at camp. Additionally self health screening will be conducted daily by each adult participating in our programs.
No one with symptoms will be allowed to participate.
Each volunteer and staff member will perform a health screening prior to arriving at camp each day.
Volunteers or staff members with symptoms will not be allowed to attend camp.
COVID-19 Symptoms will be posted in the building.
Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting
Volunteers and staff will clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces on our campus at the end of each day.
Volunteers and staff will sanitize props, materials used, etc., after each use.
Social Distancing and Safety
To the extent feasible, individuals should socially distance six feet apart from each other.
Theatrical makeup is not permitted to be shared. Each student/adult should bring their make up items in a container or plastic zip bag clearly marked with their name and stored with their personal belongings when not in use.
Only lapel microphones will be used and will be sanitized between uses.
All personal items (bags, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.) must be labeled to avoid multiple contacts.
Each student/adult will be asked to bring a tote to store their personal belongings. This tote needs to have a lid and be large enough to hold their personal belongings and costume pieces.
Students/adults will be asked to avoid sharing items, including, but not limited to cell phones, electronics and personal items, such as hair brushes and makeup.
Items that increase risk of saliva contamination are banned. This includes gum, lollipops, balloons (inflated or deflated), bubbles, whistles, and other trinkets or toys that promote aerosolization of droplets.
Signs will be posted throughout the facility to remind students of social distancing and handwashing.
HCPAC will ensure that adequate supplies are provided to support healthy proper handwashing.
Sanitizing stations will be located in the following places:
- Check-in Counter
- Ticket counter
- Concessions stand
- Merchandise table
- Each classroom/dressing room
- Both backstage wings
- Makeup room
Facial Coverings
Students, adults, volunteers, and staff will be asked to wear face masks/shields at any time that social distancing is not feasible. HCPAC will provide each person participating in our programming with 2 face shields. One for the rehearsal process and one for the production weekend. Face shields will be required on our stage. Masks/shields will not be required for any individual that meets the following criteria for an exemption:
- Individuals who cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition, including those with respiratory issues that impede breathing, mental health conditions or disability.
- Individuals who are communicating or seeking to communicate with someone who is hearing-impaired or has another disability, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
Parents, volunteers and staff simply need to let us know that they or their student meets the exemption requirement. No medical verification will be required in order to protect the privacy of our community.
Attendance Tracking and Student Drop-off & Pick-up
Parents will drop students off in the HCPAC foyer.
Parents will sign each student in and affirm that they have conducted a health screening at home prior to arriving at the HCPAC campus.
Adult participants will sign in and affirm that they have conducted a health screen at home prior to arriving at the HCPAC campus.
Social distancing during pick up and drop off will be requested.
Students will be asked to stay in their assigned seat until pick-up. No congregating in the foyer will be permitted.