Students in grades K-8 will love playing different characters in our weekly camp performances. Previous theatrical experience is not necessary.

Each week students will be divided into two groups based on grade level for theatrical experiences: grades K-4 and 5-8. These theatrical experiences offer great opportunities for students to explore creating characters and memorizing lines. Additionally, they help students more fully develop key life skills such as oral communication, teamwork, commitment, self-discipline and healthy self-images as they work together with other students to produce the 10-20 minute end-of-camp production.

HCPAC Youth Summer Camp students will not only participate in theatrical experiences but will also engage in traditional summer camp experiences such as arts & crafts, games, songs, guest speakers, outdoor play and special activities. NEW this year, students will also engage in weekly STEAM activities.

Summer Camp will be held on the HCPAC campus, Monday through Friday weekly from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM with a short camp production showcase held on each Friday afternoon at 4:00 PM.

Before and after camp care is available. Before camp care begins at 7:30 AM and after camp care ends at 5:30 PM.

Camp registration fee is $135 per week/camp and includes 2 free admission tickets to the camp showcase. Additional tickets will be available at the door for $5 each. Summer Camp T-Shirts are available for the cost of $15 each. Summer Camp T-Shirt sales ended on May 29, 2024.

Parents of students attending all 10 weeks of camp may reserve the 10 weeks for a $25 per week down payment, then pay weekly throughout the summer. Please email [email protected] for more information or to register your student(s) for all 10 weeks of summer camp.

Participation is limited. Register by April 1st and get an early bird 10% discount.

A signed Camper Participation form must be submitted for each camper on Monday morning of the first week of camp the student attends. Get the form here.

Our programming is generally non-refundable. When a student is registered for summer camp, preparations are made to include them in our programming. These preparations include hiring additional staff and purchasing supplies. We understand that families register their students for summer camps months before the beginning of camp and from time to time a student may not be able to attend a specific week of camp after registering due to an unforeseen circumstance. In this case, we suggest that the student attends an alternate week(s) of camp. When this is not possible, refund requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All approved summer camp refunds will not include the camp shirt costs and the $25 non-refundable deposit.

Scholarships are available for all summer camp fees on a needs basis. Please email us at [email protected] if you are in need of scholarship funds.

Important Summer Camp Links

Registration is temporarily unavailable. We hope to resolve our issue shortly.

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2024 Summer Theater Camp