Dress Rehearsal Dinners: Murder at Crimson House Rehearsal Dinners are just $6 each and not only provide a quick nutritious dinner with your Murder at Crimson House family, but also serve as a fundraiser for HCPAC, helping us to keep our
WEATHER NOTICE – Changes to this weekend’s schedule
Posted at 8:45pm, 1/18/2019: Due to the weekend’s anticipated weather conditions all HCPAC activities will be operating on the following schedule. “All Shook Up” rehearsal will end promptly at 12 noon on Saturday, January 19, 2019. Murder at Crimson House
Murder at Crimson House: CAST ANNOUNCEMENT!
We are so happy to be announcing HCPAC first ever double casted production: Murder at Crimson House Production Registration can be found here. Group A Hercules Porridge – Kendell P. Rebecca Fitzwilliam – Mackenzie P. Detective Bobby – Jacob M.
“Murder at Crimson House” CALLBACKS
Murder at Crimson House is going to be an amazing production. There were so many talented performers out for auditions! We will be double casting the production. This will not only give each and every student the opportunity to shine